グローバル・デジタルマーケティング本部 ファンベースマーケティング部
DIGIDAY COMMERCE FORUMは、急速に変化する市場環境に対応し、新たなコマース戦略を模索するブランドとリテーラーのためのイベントです。本イベントでは、先進的な企業が活用しているコマース戦略とテクノロジー、マーケティングのベストプラクティスや最新のトレンドを学ぶことができます。また、パートナー様は、小売・流通やEC、通販事業に関わる新進気鋭のベンチャーからグローバル展開する大手企業までの意思決定者層が集結する会場での多彩なプログラムを通じて、ソートリーダーシップを発揮し、 有望なリード獲得の機会を得ることができます。
2012年より株式会社サンリオにてオウンドメディアを統括。2020年にCDPを導入して全社共通ポイントサービス Sanrio+(サンリオプラス) を立ち上げ、現在はサンリオの顧客体験プラットフォーム戦略推進担当として、顧客データの活用とサービス強化を通じたファンとのエンゲージメント向上に注力。
After being involved in establishing an ISP business during the dawn of the internet era, served as a representative director of a foreign-affiliated startup and a web consulting company, and then as an executive officer at I.M.J Corporation.
From 2012, oversaw Sanrio’s owned media. In 2020, introduced a CDP and launched the company-wide shared points service Sanrio+ (Sanrio Plus). Currently in charge of promoting Sanrio’s customer experience platform strategy, focusing on enhancing fan engagement through utilization of customer data and service reinforcement.
現:株式会社ゲート・ワン 取締役COO
Joined Gate One in February, 2022 as COO.
Daigo started his career as SAP consultant at PriceWaterhouse, then moved into ad industry such as Indutry Head of Brand Solution at Google and COO at Grey Worldwide.
I manage a company named R6B dedicated to world peace, business growth and cultural creation.
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1977. direct marketing
, digital marketing consulting work
engaged in
Since 2012, he has been in charge of the marketing department at Chateraise Sales Co., Ltd. Create a track record in digital marketing and conduct business development.
In 2021, he will be working in the marketing department at Tomizawa Shoten Co., Ltd.
Start-up. Brand development, communication area
Executed business development.
Currently in charge of the digital marketing department at United Arrows Co., Ltd. Promote OMO strategy.
Born in Gifu Prefecture. Experienced in charge of marketing, CRM, and data analysis teams for ToC in the education and communications fields. After that, as a strategic planner for a web-only agency, I was in charge of digital marketing strategies for regional banks, toB SaaS companies, etc. Most recently, he was in charge of marketing for multiple toB startups, and will join DearOne in 2023.
Currently in charge of marketing and inside sales.
Professor of Kaetsu University, Faculty of Business and Economics.2020, MBA from Chuo University. 1982, Joined Hakuhodo Inc., and has been consistently engaged in promotion practice and research in various industries, from automakers to Lipsticks. 2013 established the Hakuhodo Activation Design Institute (former director) . the author of “Textbook of Activation Design” (Subaru-sha, 2016).
2013年株式会社博報堂入社。大手製薬会社、アパレルメーカー、大手ファッション通販運営企業、ゲームメーカーのマーケティングを担当。 2017年8月フラー株式会社のチーフマーケティングオフィサーに就任。コーポレート、サービス双方のマーケティングの統括を行なう。2021年3月コミューン株式会社入社。2022年、執行役員CMOに就任。2024年、commmune日本事業の責任者に就任。
He Joined Gunosy Inc. as his first career and engaged in sales of promotional measures to brand companies.
He also involved in launching a new business with CyberAgent, Inc and experienced form product development, sales, and customer success.
After leaving Gunosy, he had founded a company specializing in fan creation. He provides customer-oriented marketing support for restraunts and manufacturer companies.
Joined Asobica,Inc. in April 2021.
2013年株式会社博報堂入社。大手製薬会社、アパレルメーカー、大手ファッション通販運営企業、ゲームメーカーのマーケティングを担当。 2017年8月フラー株式会社のチーフマーケティングオフィサーに就任。コーポレート、サービス双方のマーケティングの統括を行なう。2021年3月コミューン株式会社入社。2022年、執行役員CMOに就任。2024年、commmune日本事業の責任者に就任。
Born in Gifu Prefecture. Experienced in charge of marketing, CRM, and data analysis teams for ToC in the education and communications fields. After that, as a strategic planner for a web-only agency, I was in charge of digital marketing strategies for regional banks, toB SaaS companies, etc. Most recently, he was in charge of marketing for multiple toB startups, and will join DearOne in 2023.
Currently in charge of marketing and inside sales.
He Joined Gunosy Inc. as his first career and engaged in sales of promotional measures to brand companies.
He also involved in launching a new business with CyberAgent, Inc and experienced form product development, sales, and customer success.
After leaving Gunosy, he had founded a company specializing in fan creation. He provides customer-oriented marketing support for restraunts and manufacturer companies.
Joined Asobica,Inc. in April 2021.
Professor of Kaetsu University, Faculty of Business and Economics.2020, MBA from Chuo University. 1982, Joined Hakuhodo Inc., and has been consistently engaged in promotion practice and research in various industries, from automakers to Lipsticks. 2013 established the Hakuhodo Activation Design Institute (former director) . the author of “Textbook of Activation Design” (Subaru-sha, 2016).
現:株式会社ゲート・ワン 取締役COO
Joined Gate One in February, 2022 as COO.
Daigo started his career as SAP consultant at PriceWaterhouse, then moved into ad industry such as Indutry Head of Brand Solution at Google and COO at Grey Worldwide.
I manage a company named R6B dedicated to world peace, business growth and cultural creation.
2012年より株式会社サンリオにてオウンドメディアを統括。2020年にCDPを導入して全社共通ポイントサービス Sanrio+(サンリオプラス) を立ち上げ、現在はサンリオの顧客体験プラットフォーム戦略推進担当として、顧客データの活用とサービス強化を通じたファンとのエンゲージメント向上に注力。
After being involved in establishing an ISP business during the dawn of the internet era, served as a representative director of a foreign-affiliated startup and a web consulting company, and then as an executive officer at I.M.J Corporation.
From 2012, oversaw Sanrio’s owned media. In 2020, introduced a CDP and launched the company-wide shared points service Sanrio+ (Sanrio Plus). Currently in charge of promoting Sanrio’s customer experience platform strategy, focusing on enhancing fan engagement through utilization of customer data and service reinforcement.
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1977. direct marketing
, digital marketing consulting work
engaged in
Since 2012, he has been in charge of the marketing department at Chateraise Sales Co., Ltd. Create a track record in digital marketing and conduct business development.
In 2021, he will be working in the marketing department at Tomizawa Shoten Co., Ltd.
Start-up. Brand development, communication area
Executed business development.
Currently in charge of the digital marketing department at United Arrows Co., Ltd. Promote OMO strategy.
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