DIGIDAY[日本版]編集長 長田 真
PCやモバイルなどのデバイスで広告収益を最大化する動画用広告配信プラットフォーム「SpotX」の日本のカントリーマネージャー。大手広告代理店と戦略的なパートナーシップを結び、国内パブリッシャーの在庫のマネタイズに取り組む。 デジタル広告業界で約20年の経験をもつ。黎明期のバナー広告を皮切りに、アフィリエイト、リスティングとキャリアを重ねた後、2012年からはオーストラリアの独立系トレーディングデスクSparc Media(日本マネージングディレクター)でプログラマティック分野に移行。その後も国内最大級のトレーディングデスクs1o interactive(海外事業戦略室シニアディレクター)やフィンランドのSSP企業Kiosked(日本カントリーマネージャー)で、広告サプライチェーンと広告代理店のニーズに関する知見を深めてきた。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Michiteru Hirose joined IREP in 2004 and developed his experience and skills in search engine marketing. In 2009, he moved to Seesaa and worked for advertising sales and monetization in blog media and application development. After experienced in Marin Software, he joined in PubMatic in 2014 and contributed to both the development of new publishers and the supporting of existing customers. He has been promoted to the position of Japan Country Manager in 2019.
1997年に日本オラクル株式会社に入社。ITコンサルタントとして大手企業向けウェブシステム構築やERP導入に従事。 その後、日本IBMを経て検索エンジン大手のオートノミー、ファストサーチ&トランスファーにてセールスディレクターとして数々の著名ウェブサイトでの検索・レコメンデーション導入を担当。 2010年、オンライン・メディア企業向けに収益の最大化・ユーザエクスペリエンス向上ソリューションをクラウドで提供するシーセンスの立ち上げに参画。昨年10月に米国PIANO社との買収合併に伴い、2020年2月よりPIANO Japan株式会社の代表取締役社長に就任。
As President Japan, Ryoichi Egawa leads PIANO Japan. Before joining PIANO, Egawa had more than 10 years of experience in leadership roles in the software industry. Most recently, Egawa was Director of Sales at FAST and, subsequently, in the Digital Marketing Platform Group at Microsoft. Before this he served as Sales Director in Autonomy and Field Alliance Manager in IBM Japan. Egawa also has experience in IT consulting at Oracle.
1995年に「54-71」を同級生らと結成。バンド活動を続けると同時に、2007年に音楽レーベル&プロモーター事業を行う「contrarede」を設立。音楽だけでなく雑誌「Libertin DUNE」の刊行やバンドの海外ツアーを通じて「Vice US」との交流を深め、2012年にはグローバルメディアViceの日本支社「Vice Media Japan」を設立。現在、VICE JAPAN GK コマーシャルディレクターを務める。
Started a band called 54-71 with his friends in university. During such activity, Bingo started the music label called contrarede. It’s not only for music and it’s a publisher, too for some magazine. In 2012, Bingo started VICE MEDIA JAPAN. At present, he plays the role as Commercial Director.
Adoni launched the AppNexus Japan business in 2016, and since then has successfully scaled the business by driving success for enterprise clients. As an experienced, regional Commercial leader, he has also helped AppNexus expand in strategic APAC markets. Prior to this, Adoni has held various Commercial and Services roles with AppNexus across both EMEA and North America. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s Degree from Dartmouth College.
Buxton has over 17 years’ global experience in the digital advertising space, having worked in leadership roles at tech and publishing companies, including Microsoft, Turner Broadcasting, and LinkedIn, with the last eight years based in Asia. Prior to joining SpotX, he was at mobile adtech company S4M, where he led the successful establishment and growth of the business across the Asia-Pacific region. He is an active participant within the advertising industry and currently sits on the board of the IAB Singapore
Joined Nikkei in 2005. As an engineer, he was first stationed to information technology department and worked for a team that develops websites, such as Nikkei Net. From 2008, he worked on developing editorial systems, such as (CMS), as a member of the group that launched the electronic edition of Nikkei. After successfully launching the electronic edition of the newspaper in 2010, he worked on planning and developing smartphone-related products, including electronic apps, smartphone websites, and newspaper viewer apps. Recently, he has been in charge of drawing up strategies as the product manager of Nikkei electronic edition.
デジタルメディア業界でリーダーとして15年以上の経験を有し、Index Exchangeの事業所、欧州および新規グローバルマーケット全体のオペレーションの成長と拡大にその専門知識を活用している。Index入社前はDatacraticのCEOを務め、マシンラーニングとAIソフトウェアの立上げに従事。Yellow Pages Group、Rogers Digital Media、The Globe and Mailをはじめとする大手メディア企業のコンサルタントを務め、シニアエグゼクティブと協力し、リアルタイム、データが推進する広告の新たな機会を活用する競争戦略を確立してきた。成功したエンジェル投資家であり、大手デジタルメディアやeコマースのスタートアップ企業のアドバイサーを務めている。
With more than 15 years of leadership experience in the digital media industry, James is applying his expertise towards the growth and expansion of Index Exchange’s offices and operations across Europe and new global markets.Prior to joining Index, he was the CEO of Datacratic, a machine-learning and AI software start up. James has previously served as a consultant to large media companies including Yellow Pages Group, Rogers Digital Media and The Globe and Mail, where he worked with senior executives to establish competitive strategies leveraging the opportunities emerging from a shift to real-time, data-driven advertising.James is a successful angel investor and serves as an advisor to several leading digital media and e-commerce start ups.
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルとダウ・ジョーンズの一部門であるウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル・カスタムスタジオのEMEA & AISAでロンドンを拠点としたクリエイティブ・ディレクターを努める。2014年にウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルに入社し、現在は世界中の顧客に対しクリエイティブな提案を行っている。サムスン、スターアライアンス、ネットフリックスとのパートナーシップを含むさまざまなキャンペーンに取り組む。以前はブルームバーグでテレビの顧客コンテンツモデル開発を担当していた。仕事以外では、サイクリングやトレーニングシューズのコレクションの入れ替えを楽しんでいる。
Jim Piercy is Creative Director for EMEA & ASIA at WSJ. Custom Studios, a unit of The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones, based in London. Jim joined The Wall Street Journal in 2014, and now gives creative oversight to custom projects across the globe. He has worked on a wide variety of campaigns including partnerships with Samsung, Star Alliance & Netflix. Jim previously worked at Bloomberg where he developed their custom content model for television. If he’s not working, you’ll find him on his bike or re-arranging his trainer collection.
編集プロダクション、デザインブティックを経て、2005年DAC入社。 動画広告の開発、マスメディアのデジタル事業開発を担当。近年はDACの新規事業開発を推進する傍ら、グループ企業、出資先の取締役も兼任。現職では、デジタル領域におけるブランディングにつながるコンテンツマーケティングや、動画制作をプロデュースする。
Founded Editorial Production Inc. in 1995 and engaged in contents production for publishers and newspapers. Joined DAC in 2005, worked on video ad and digital media production. Now he is in charge of digital content marketing and video production for brands.
1974年北海道札幌市生まれ。1997年NTTドコモに入社。ワンセグなどの新規事業企画・開発を担当した。 2005年フジテレビ入社。モバイルサイトプロデューサー、CS放送スポーツ編成、ゲームプロデューサーを経て、2012年からFODの事業執行責任者として現在に至る。オリジナル番組「めちゃ×2ユルんでるッ!」「めちゃ×2タメしてるッ!」「ラブホの上野さん」「360°まる見え!VRアイドル水泳大会」「バービー&村上佳菜子の編集長 私、イイ女になりたいの」「世界をマンガでハッピーに!」「スクールジャック!!」のプロデューサーも務めている。
Mr.Kazuo Nomura joined NTT DoCoMo. He was in charge of new business planning and development such as One Seg. He then joined Fuji TV in 2005. After going through mobile site producer, CS broadcast sports organization, game producer, from 2012 he is now responsible for FOD ‘s business operations.
2011年に株式会社ECナビ(現:株式会社 VOAYGE GROUP)に入社し、 株式会社adingo(現: 株式会社fluct)に出向。事業を100億超に成長させ、2017年株式会社fluct代表取締役CEOに就任。親会社である東証一部上場の株式会社VOYAGE GROUPにおいても、2014年10月よりBOARDメンバーに就任し現在4期目。
Joined CYBIRD Co., Ltd. in 2008 and engaged in creating mobile ad agency business. In 2011 moved to VOYAGE GROUP (former EC Navi) and fluct, Inc. (former Adingo). Successfully grow the business over 10 billion and became CEO of fluct in 2017. He is also a board member of its parental company VOYAGE GROUP since Oct, 2014 after their IPO.
After joined CCI in 2007, he was a sales person of digital ad products designing and conducting various digital promotions. Since 2014 He have been consulting publishers to build data strategies, implement DMPs, and create ad products using their own data.
新卒で株式会社電通に入社。電通では放送局の担当を経て、デジタル関連部署に退社まで在籍。その後、夏の高校野球のライブ配信事業「バーチャル高校野球」のプロデュースを筆頭に、 数多くのスポーツインターネットサービスの立ち上げに携わる。 その後、スポーツインターネットメディア事業に特化した株式会社運動通信社を設立し、SPORTSBULL(スポーツブル)運営を行う。
Mr. Kojiro Kurotobi joined Dentsu Inc. straight out of college and was in charge of broadcasting. He was then stationed at a digital-related department and remained there until he left the company. After leaving the company, he first became the producer of “Virtual High School Baseball,” a live distribution service of summer high school baseball tournament, and then was involved in the launch of many other sports Internet service. Following this, he established Undotsushin Inc., which specializes in sports Internet media and currently operates SPORTS BULL.
メーカーSE、フリーのSEなど経て、株式会社リクルートに入社。マーケティング部門にて商品開発や経営支援、住宅部門で新サービス開発やマーケティング、事業開発部門でモバイルポータルサービス(R25式モバイル、L25モバイル)などの新規事業立上げに従事。 2007年、日本テレビ放送網株式会社入社。日本初の広告型番組無料配信サービス「日テレ無料!」立上げ、M&A案件企画実行(Hulu Japan、株式会社ロジックロジック、スキルアップ・ビデオテクノロジーズ株式会社、株式会社Viibarなど)、Hulu動画配信システム構築、IT戦略立案などの業務に従事。 株式会社ロジックロジック取締役、スキルアップ・ビデオテクノロジーズ株式会社取締役兼務。
Mr. Masahito Ota joined Recruit Co. after working as SE for a company and on freelance basis. He was involved in the launch of various new business projects, such as product development and management support in the marketing division, new service development and marketing in the housing division, and mobile portal service (R25 mobile, L25 mobile) in the business development division. He then joined Nippon Television Network Corp. in 2007, where he was engaged in the launch of “Nittere Tada!,” Japan’s first free on-demand video distribution service, planning and implementation of M&A projects (Hulu Japan, LogicLogic, Inc., SkillUp Video Technologies Corp., and Viibar Inc.), Hulu video distribution system construction, and IT strategy planning. Mr. Ota also serves as director of LogicLogic, Inc. and director of SkillUp Video Technologies Corp.
約10年に渡り運用型広告のコンサルタントとして 電通グループ、WPPグループの数多くの広告主を担当後、A1 Media Groupへ。媒体社ユーザーの興味関心獲得・分析プラットフォームである「A1 Linkback」の導入促進、活用支援から、タイアップ記事広告ブースト&レポートパッケージである「BRAND BOOST X」を展開。また、広告主に向けた、独自データに基づく広告サービスの提供も行う。 2006年、24-7Search(電通と米247REAL MEDIAのJV。現DAサーチ&リンク)入社。 2016年、A1 Media Group 日本法人立ち上げに際し、取締役に就任。
After 10 years of working as a programmatic advertising consultant managing clients such as Dentsu Group and WPP Group, I joined A1 Media Group. I facilitated the implementation of our media agency user interest acquisition and analysis platform A1 Linkback and developed our tie-up advertising boost and report package BRAND BOOST X.In addition, I offer my own personal data-based advertising services to clients. From 2006, I started working at 24-7Search (a Dentsu and 247REAL MEDIA(USA) Joint Venture). In 2016, I became Director of A1 Media Group with the company establishment in Japan.
1972年北海道テレビ放送入社。東京支社編成業務部長、メディア企画センター長を経て、2002年取締役に。2011年から2018年まで代表取締役社長。現在は取締役・相談役を務める。情報発信先を北海道、国内に限定せず90年代からグローバルなコンテンツ発信に取り組み、現在では台湾、中国、ベトナム、シンガポール、カンボジアなどアジア諸国で北海道情報番組「LOVE HOKKAIDO」を放送している。
マレーシアの邦字紙記者、商社勤務を経て1999年に西日本新聞社入社。主に社会部で医療、教育、調査報道などを担当。2015年に安全保障班取材キャップとして平和・協同ジャーナリスト基金奨励賞受賞。17年に外国人労働者問題をテーマにした「新 移民時代」取材班キャップとして石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞受賞。社会部デスク・遊軍キャップを経て、18年8月から編集局デジタル編集チームデスクとメディアラボ デジタル報道部シニアマネジャーを兼務。
Joined Nishinippon Shimbun in 1999 after working as a reporter for a Japanese language newspaper in Malaysia and for a trading company. As a reporter, he mainly covered medical issues, education, and wrote investigative reports. In 2015, he won the Encouragement Prize of Peace & Cooperative Journalist Fund of Japan as the head of the group of reporters covering Japan’s national security. In 2017, he won the Grand Prize of Ishibashi Tanzan Memorial Journalism Award as the leader of reporters that worked on “New age of immigrants,” an article on foreign workers in Japan. After serving as copy editor of the local news desk and head of the back up reporters group, he was appointed in August 2018 as copy editor of the editorial office’s digital editorial team, and as Senior Manager of the company’s Media Lab Digital News Department.
Joined the Asahi Shimbun Company in 1990. In most of his career, he served as an advertising and sponsorship sales executive for a variety of industries such as automotive, ICT, financial-services, cosmetics, clothing and so on. From 2004 through 2007 in London, he helped overseas clients achieve their marketing communications goals in the Japanese market as Advertising and Sponsorship Sales Director, responsible for EMEA(Europe, Middle East and Africa) regions. Since 2012, he had served as Deputy Director, Digital Business Division for about 3 years. Since May 2016, he has taken the lead in the development of new communications products as Director, New Business Incubation Office.
Joined PLAID, Inc. in September 2018 as a Business Development in Sales, Business Development & Partnerships Group. Prior to joining PLAID, he was a first employee of Intimate Merger, Inc. which is a company developing and providing DMP. At Intimate Merger, he had experiences with various role in the very early stage of the company. Especially, he focused to create values of audience data by business development with publishers and technology platformers.
After joined CCI in 2002, he was an ad sales consultant of publishers, especially web sites of mass media in Japan, and also experienced a few years of ad consultant in Denstu. Since Apr. in 2018 he has been organizing the media consulting section in CCI.
1990年毎日新聞社入社。広告局で自動車、精密機器、食品などの業界を担当。 2009年から出版広告部副部長として『サンデー毎日』や『月刊エコノミスト』などの雑誌広告に携わる2012年よりデジタルメディア局に移り、デジタル広告、 コンテンツの外部販売と連携、データベース販売の営業チームと開発チームを率いる。さらに、サブスクリプションの商品開発やプロモーションを加えたデジタルビジネス全般を統括。2019年1月から現職。
Shinji Saeki joined The Mainichi Newspaper in 1990. In the advertising department, he is in charge of industries such as automobiles, precision equipment and food. From 2009 he engaged in magazine advertisements such as “Sunday MAINICHI” and “Monthly Economist” at the publication advertising department. Since 2012, he moved to the digital media division, and he manages sales teams such as digital advertisement and content sales and development team. In addition, he oversees the digital business with subscription product development and promotion.
2004年エイベックス株式会社に新卒入社。入社後は音楽事業に長く携わり、2016年に社長室へ異動。社長室部長として、構造改革や新規プロジェクトに参画。 2017年よりグループ執行役員として戦略人事・グループ広報・マーケティングアナリティクス・デジタルR&Dを担当。 2018年4月には組織名称をCEO直轄本部とし、新事業推進・戦略投資も管轄。
He joined Avex Inc. as a new graduate in 2004 and he has built a long career in the company’s music division. He moved to the CEO’s office in 2016 and as a chief director, he worked on the group’s structural reform and new business projects. He became an executive officer of the group in 2017 taking charge of Strategic Human Resource, Group Publicity, Marketing Analytics, and Digital R&D. In April 2018, the name of the department was changed to the CEO Head Quarters, and he also became responsible for New Business Development and Strategic Investment.
He joined Oath Japan K.K. (formerly AOL platforms Japan K.K.) in 2013. He leads localization of ad platform products and also works on building alliances with local vendors to help solve digital marketing challenges for advertisers and publishers. Prior to joining Oath Japan K.K., he began his career in ad sales specialized in search ad and ad network/DSP.
The Trade Deskのカントリーマネージャーとして日本市場における同社プラットフォームのチャネル開発とサポートをリード。これまでビジネス企画・開発、メディア企画・開発、第三者配信など黎明期から様々なビジネスの立ち上げを担当。特に、インターネット広告ビジネス関連では広告プランニングから企業戦略立案・投資まで幅広い経験がある。現職以前は電通 デジタル・ビジネス局に所属、2014年7月より現職。
As the Japan Country Manager for The Trade Desk, Shintani leads development and support for its platform channels in Japan. Shintani has supervised the creation of a variety of new businesses in business planning/development, media planning/development, third-party ad serving, etc., and has an especially wide range of experience in internet advertising, from ad planning to corporate strategy design and investment. Shintani previously worked in Dentsu’s Digital Business Office and came to his current job in July 2014.
mebibaで、スマホアドネットワークの開発を行う。その後、Supershipで広告事業本部CTOとして、ScaleOut DSP、Ad Generationなど様々な広告プロダクトの開発を推進。去年の3月より、現職で、グローバル広告プラットフォームの開発を推進している。
With mebiba, I had developed a smartphone ad network. After that, as CTO of advertising in Supership, promoted the development of various advertising products such as ScaleOut DSP, Ad Generation. Since March last year, I’m promoting the development of global advertising platform at present.
Joined CCI in 2006. In relation to the product development and operation of the video ad, in 2007 he got Dentsu and audio ad network (Podcast AD) launch and a patent in the audio advertisement delivery system. After 2009, we provide advertisement distribution system and analytical solution to media company and consulting. Currently engaged in the development of solutions, operation, live distribution, programmatic trading etc, mainly for broadcast stations and video distribution service companies.
2011年に株式会社ECナビ(現:株式会社 VOAYGE GROUP)に入社し、 株式会社adingo(現: 株式会社fluct)に出向。事業を100億超に成長させ、2017年株式会社fluct代表取締役CEOに就任。親会社である東証一部上場の株式会社VOYAGE GROUPにおいても、2014年10月よりBOARDメンバーに就任し現在4期目。
Joined CYBIRD Co., Ltd. in 2008 and engaged in creating mobile ad agency business. In 2011 moved to VOYAGE GROUP (former EC Navi) and fluct, Inc. (former Adingo). Successfully grow the business over 10 billion and became CEO of fluct in 2017. He is also a board member of its parental company VOYAGE GROUP since Oct, 2014 after their IPO.
He joined Oath Japan K.K. (formerly AOL platforms Japan K.K.) in 2013. He leads localization of ad platform products and also works on building alliances with local vendors to help solve digital marketing challenges for advertisers and publishers. Prior to joining Oath Japan K.K., he began his career in ad sales specialized in search ad and ad network/DSP.
株式会社宣伝会議の月刊誌『編集会議』『ブレーン』の制作に携わった後、2004年に株式会社インフォバーン入社。国内有数のブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン」「ライフハッカー[日本版]」などのプロデューサー・編集長を歴任する。 その後、ソリューション事業で大手企業のオウンドメディア立ち上げ・運営 を担当。2015年9月よりDIGIDAY[日本版]編集長に就任。
株式会社宣伝会議の月刊誌『編集会議』『ブレーン』の制作に携わった後、2004年に株式会社インフォバーン入社。国内有数のブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン」「ライフハッカー[日本版]」などのプロデューサー・編集長を歴任する。 その後、ソリューション事業で大手企業のオウンドメディア立ち上げ・運営 を担当。2015年9月よりDIGIDAY[日本版]編集長に就任。
ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルとダウ・ジョーンズの一部門であるウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル・カスタムスタジオのEMEA & AISAでロンドンを拠点としたクリエイティブ・ディレクターを努める。2014年にウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルに入社し、現在は世界中の顧客に対しクリエイティブな提案を行っている。サムスン、スターアライアンス、ネットフリックスとのパートナーシップを含むさまざまなキャンペーンに取り組む。以前はブルームバーグでテレビの顧客コンテンツモデル開発を担当していた。仕事以外では、サイクリングやトレーニングシューズのコレクションの入れ替えを楽しんでいる。
Jim Piercy is Creative Director for EMEA & ASIA at WSJ. Custom Studios, a unit of The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones, based in London. Jim joined The Wall Street Journal in 2014, and now gives creative oversight to custom projects across the globe. He has worked on a wide variety of campaigns including partnerships with Samsung, Star Alliance & Netflix. Jim previously worked at Bloomberg where he developed their custom content model for television. If he’s not working, you’ll find him on his bike or re-arranging his trainer collection.
mebibaで、スマホアドネットワークの開発を行う。その後、Supershipで広告事業本部CTOとして、ScaleOut DSP、Ad Generationなど様々な広告プロダクトの開発を推進。去年の3月より、現職で、グローバル広告プラットフォームの開発を推進している。
With mebiba, I had developed a smartphone ad network. After that, as CTO of advertising in Supership, promoted the development of various advertising products such as ScaleOut DSP, Ad Generation. Since March last year, I’m promoting the development of global advertising platform at present.
1990年毎日新聞社入社。広告局で自動車、精密機器、食品などの業界を担当。 2009年から出版広告部副部長として『サンデー毎日』や『月刊エコノミスト』などの雑誌広告に携わる2012年よりデジタルメディア局に移り、デジタル広告、 コンテンツの外部販売と連携、データベース販売の営業チームと開発チームを率いる。さらに、サブスクリプションの商品開発やプロモーションを加えたデジタルビジネス全般を統括。2019年1月から現職。
Shinji Saeki joined The Mainichi Newspaper in 1990. In the advertising department, he is in charge of industries such as automobiles, precision equipment and food. From 2009 he engaged in magazine advertisements such as “Sunday MAINICHI” and “Monthly Economist” at the publication advertising department. Since 2012, he moved to the digital media division, and he manages sales teams such as digital advertisement and content sales and development team. In addition, he oversees the digital business with subscription product development and promotion.
約10年に渡り運用型広告のコンサルタントとして 電通グループ、WPPグループの数多くの広告主を担当後、A1 Media Groupへ。媒体社ユーザーの興味関心獲得・分析プラットフォームである「A1 Linkback」の導入促進、活用支援から、タイアップ記事広告ブースト&レポートパッケージである「BRAND BOOST X」を展開。また、広告主に向けた、独自データに基づく広告サービスの提供も行う。 2006年、24-7Search(電通と米247REAL MEDIAのJV。現DAサーチ&リンク)入社。 2016年、A1 Media Group 日本法人立ち上げに際し、取締役に就任。
After 10 years of working as a programmatic advertising consultant managing clients such as Dentsu Group and WPP Group, I joined A1 Media Group. I facilitated the implementation of our media agency user interest acquisition and analysis platform A1 Linkback and developed our tie-up advertising boost and report package BRAND BOOST X.In addition, I offer my own personal data-based advertising services to clients. From 2006, I started working at 24-7Search (a Dentsu and 247REAL MEDIA(USA) Joint Venture). In 2016, I became Director of A1 Media Group with the company establishment in Japan.
メーカーSE、フリーのSEなど経て、株式会社リクルートに入社。マーケティング部門にて商品開発や経営支援、住宅部門で新サービス開発やマーケティング、事業開発部門でモバイルポータルサービス(R25式モバイル、L25モバイル)などの新規事業立上げに従事。 2007年、日本テレビ放送網株式会社入社。日本初の広告型番組無料配信サービス「日テレ無料!」立上げ、M&A案件企画実行(Hulu Japan、株式会社ロジックロジック、スキルアップ・ビデオテクノロジーズ株式会社、株式会社Viibarなど)、Hulu動画配信システム構築、IT戦略立案などの業務に従事。 株式会社ロジックロジック取締役、スキルアップ・ビデオテクノロジーズ株式会社取締役兼務。
Mr. Masahito Ota joined Recruit Co. after working as SE for a company and on freelance basis. He was involved in the launch of various new business projects, such as product development and management support in the marketing division, new service development and marketing in the housing division, and mobile portal service (R25 mobile, L25 mobile) in the business development division. He then joined Nippon Television Network Corp. in 2007, where he was engaged in the launch of “Nittere Tada!,” Japan’s first free on-demand video distribution service, planning and implementation of M&A projects (Hulu Japan, LogicLogic, Inc., SkillUp Video Technologies Corp., and Viibar Inc.), Hulu video distribution system construction, and IT strategy planning. Mr. Ota also serves as director of LogicLogic, Inc. and director of SkillUp Video Technologies Corp.
株式会社宣伝会議の月刊誌『編集会議』『ブレーン』の制作に携わった後、2004年に株式会社インフォバーン入社。国内有数のブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン」「ライフハッカー[日本版]」などのプロデューサー・編集長を歴任する。 その後、ソリューション事業で大手企業のオウンドメディア立ち上げ・運営 を担当。2015年9月よりDIGIDAY[日本版]編集長に就任。
デジタルメディア業界でリーダーとして15年以上の経験を有し、Index Exchangeの事業所、欧州および新規グローバルマーケット全体のオペレーションの成長と拡大にその専門知識を活用している。Index入社前はDatacraticのCEOを務め、マシンラーニングとAIソフトウェアの立上げに従事。Yellow Pages Group、Rogers Digital Media、The Globe and Mailをはじめとする大手メディア企業のコンサルタントを務め、シニアエグゼクティブと協力し、リアルタイム、データが推進する広告の新たな機会を活用する競争戦略を確立してきた。成功したエンジェル投資家であり、大手デジタルメディアやeコマースのスタートアップ企業のアドバイサーを務めている。
With more than 15 years of leadership experience in the digital media industry, James is applying his expertise towards the growth and expansion of Index Exchange’s offices and operations across Europe and new global markets.Prior to joining Index, he was the CEO of Datacratic, a machine-learning and AI software start up. James has previously served as a consultant to large media companies including Yellow Pages Group, Rogers Digital Media and The Globe and Mail, where he worked with senior executives to establish competitive strategies leveraging the opportunities emerging from a shift to real-time, data-driven advertising.James is a successful angel investor and serves as an advisor to several leading digital media and e-commerce start ups.
マレーシアの邦字紙記者、商社勤務を経て1999年に西日本新聞社入社。主に社会部で医療、教育、調査報道などを担当。2015年に安全保障班取材キャップとして平和・協同ジャーナリスト基金奨励賞受賞。17年に外国人労働者問題をテーマにした「新 移民時代」取材班キャップとして石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞受賞。社会部デスク・遊軍キャップを経て、18年8月から編集局デジタル編集チームデスクとメディアラボ デジタル報道部シニアマネジャーを兼務。
Joined Nishinippon Shimbun in 1999 after working as a reporter for a Japanese language newspaper in Malaysia and for a trading company. As a reporter, he mainly covered medical issues, education, and wrote investigative reports. In 2015, he won the Encouragement Prize of Peace & Cooperative Journalist Fund of Japan as the head of the group of reporters covering Japan’s national security. In 2017, he won the Grand Prize of Ishibashi Tanzan Memorial Journalism Award as the leader of reporters that worked on “New age of immigrants,” an article on foreign workers in Japan. After serving as copy editor of the local news desk and head of the back up reporters group, he was appointed in August 2018 as copy editor of the editorial office’s digital editorial team, and as Senior Manager of the company’s Media Lab Digital News Department.
After joined CCI in 2002, he was an ad sales consultant of publishers, especially web sites of mass media in Japan, and also experienced a few years of ad consultant in Denstu. Since Apr. in 2018 he has been organizing the media consulting section in CCI.
2004年エイベックス株式会社に新卒入社。入社後は音楽事業に長く携わり、2016年に社長室へ異動。社長室部長として、構造改革や新規プロジェクトに参画。 2017年よりグループ執行役員として戦略人事・グループ広報・マーケティングアナリティクス・デジタルR&Dを担当。 2018年4月には組織名称をCEO直轄本部とし、新事業推進・戦略投資も管轄。
He joined Avex Inc. as a new graduate in 2004 and he has built a long career in the company’s music division. He moved to the CEO’s office in 2016 and as a chief director, he worked on the group’s structural reform and new business projects. He became an executive officer of the group in 2017 taking charge of Strategic Human Resource, Group Publicity, Marketing Analytics, and Digital R&D. In April 2018, the name of the department was changed to the CEO Head Quarters, and he also became responsible for New Business Development and Strategic Investment.
1974年北海道札幌市生まれ。1997年NTTドコモに入社。ワンセグなどの新規事業企画・開発を担当した。 2005年フジテレビ入社。モバイルサイトプロデューサー、CS放送スポーツ編成、ゲームプロデューサーを経て、2012年からFODの事業執行責任者として現在に至る。オリジナル番組「めちゃ×2ユルんでるッ!」「めちゃ×2タメしてるッ!」「ラブホの上野さん」「360°まる見え!VRアイドル水泳大会」「バービー&村上佳菜子の編集長 私、イイ女になりたいの」「世界をマンガでハッピーに!」「スクールジャック!!」のプロデューサーも務めている。
Mr.Kazuo Nomura joined NTT DoCoMo. He was in charge of new business planning and development such as One Seg. He then joined Fuji TV in 2005. After going through mobile site producer, CS broadcast sports organization, game producer, from 2012 he is now responsible for FOD ‘s business operations.
The Trade Deskのカントリーマネージャーとして日本市場における同社プラットフォームのチャネル開発とサポートをリード。これまでビジネス企画・開発、メディア企画・開発、第三者配信など黎明期から様々なビジネスの立ち上げを担当。特に、インターネット広告ビジネス関連では広告プランニングから企業戦略立案・投資まで幅広い経験がある。現職以前は電通 デジタル・ビジネス局に所属、2014年7月より現職。
As the Japan Country Manager for The Trade Desk, Shintani leads development and support for its platform channels in Japan. Shintani has supervised the creation of a variety of new businesses in business planning/development, media planning/development, third-party ad serving, etc., and has an especially wide range of experience in internet advertising, from ad planning to corporate strategy design and investment. Shintani previously worked in Dentsu’s Digital Business Office and came to his current job in July 2014.
After joined CCI in 2007, he was a sales person of digital ad products designing and conducting various digital promotions. Since 2014 He have been consulting publishers to build data strategies, implement DMPs, and create ad products using their own data.
Joined CCI in 2006. In relation to the product development and operation of the video ad, in 2007 he got Dentsu and audio ad network (Podcast AD) launch and a patent in the audio advertisement delivery system. After 2009, we provide advertisement distribution system and analytical solution to media company and consulting. Currently engaged in the development of solutions, operation, live distribution, programmatic trading etc, mainly for broadcast stations and video distribution service companies.
PCやモバイルなどのデバイスで広告収益を最大化する動画用広告配信プラットフォーム「SpotX」の日本のカントリーマネージャー。大手広告代理店と戦略的なパートナーシップを結び、国内パブリッシャーの在庫のマネタイズに取り組む。 デジタル広告業界で約20年の経験をもつ。黎明期のバナー広告を皮切りに、アフィリエイト、リスティングとキャリアを重ねた後、2012年からはオーストラリアの独立系トレーディングデスクSparc Media(日本マネージングディレクター)でプログラマティック分野に移行。その後も国内最大級のトレーディングデスクs1o interactive(海外事業戦略室シニアディレクター)やフィンランドのSSP企業Kiosked(日本カントリーマネージャー)で、広告サプライチェーンと広告代理店のニーズに関する知見を深めてきた。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Buxton has over 17 years’ global experience in the digital advertising space, having worked in leadership roles at tech and publishing companies, including Microsoft, Turner Broadcasting, and LinkedIn, with the last eight years based in Asia. Prior to joining SpotX, he was at mobile adtech company S4M, where he led the successful establishment and growth of the business across the Asia-Pacific region. He is an active participant within the advertising industry and currently sits on the board of the IAB Singapore
Michiteru Hirose joined IREP in 2004 and developed his experience and skills in search engine marketing. In 2009, he moved to Seesaa and worked for advertising sales and monetization in blog media and application development. After experienced in Marin Software, he joined in PubMatic in 2014 and contributed to both the development of new publishers and the supporting of existing customers. He has been promoted to the position of Japan Country Manager in 2019.
1997年に日本オラクル株式会社に入社。ITコンサルタントとして大手企業向けウェブシステム構築やERP導入に従事。 その後、日本IBMを経て検索エンジン大手のオートノミー、ファストサーチ&トランスファーにてセールスディレクターとして数々の著名ウェブサイトでの検索・レコメンデーション導入を担当。 2010年、オンライン・メディア企業向けに収益の最大化・ユーザエクスペリエンス向上ソリューションをクラウドで提供するシーセンスの立ち上げに参画。昨年10月に米国PIANO社との買収合併に伴い、2020年2月よりPIANO Japan株式会社の代表取締役社長に就任。
As President Japan, Ryoichi Egawa leads PIANO Japan. Before joining PIANO, Egawa had more than 10 years of experience in leadership roles in the software industry. Most recently, Egawa was Director of Sales at FAST and, subsequently, in the Digital Marketing Platform Group at Microsoft. Before this he served as Sales Director in Autonomy and Field Alliance Manager in IBM Japan. Egawa also has experience in IT consulting at Oracle.
Adoni launched the AppNexus Japan business in 2016, and since then has successfully scaled the business by driving success for enterprise clients. As an experienced, regional Commercial leader, he has also helped AppNexus expand in strategic APAC markets. Prior to this, Adoni has held various Commercial and Services roles with AppNexus across both EMEA and North America. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s Degree from Dartmouth College.
編集プロダクション、デザインブティックを経て、2005年DAC入社。 動画広告の開発、マスメディアのデジタル事業開発を担当。近年はDACの新規事業開発を推進する傍ら、グループ企業、出資先の取締役も兼任。現職では、デジタル領域におけるブランディングにつながるコンテンツマーケティングや、動画制作をプロデュースする。
Founded Editorial Production Inc. in 1995 and engaged in contents production for publishers and newspapers. Joined DAC in 2005, worked on video ad and digital media production. Now he is in charge of digital content marketing and video production for brands.
新卒で株式会社電通に入社。電通では放送局の担当を経て、デジタル関連部署に退社まで在籍。その後、夏の高校野球のライブ配信事業「バーチャル高校野球」のプロデュースを筆頭に、 数多くのスポーツインターネットサービスの立ち上げに携わる。 その後、スポーツインターネットメディア事業に特化した株式会社運動通信社を設立し、SPORTSBULL(スポーツブル)運営を行う。
Mr. Kojiro Kurotobi joined Dentsu Inc. straight out of college and was in charge of broadcasting. He was then stationed at a digital-related department and remained there until he left the company. After leaving the company, he first became the producer of “Virtual High School Baseball,” a live distribution service of summer high school baseball tournament, and then was involved in the launch of many other sports Internet service. Following this, he established Undotsushin Inc., which specializes in sports Internet media and currently operates SPORTS BULL.
Joined PLAID, Inc. in September 2018 as a Business Development in Sales, Business Development & Partnerships Group. Prior to joining PLAID, he was a first employee of Intimate Merger, Inc. which is a company developing and providing DMP. At Intimate Merger, he had experiences with various role in the very early stage of the company. Especially, he focused to create values of audience data by business development with publishers and technology platformers.
Joined the Asahi Shimbun Company in 1990. In most of his career, he served as an advertising and sponsorship sales executive for a variety of industries such as automotive, ICT, financial-services, cosmetics, clothing and so on. From 2004 through 2007 in London, he helped overseas clients achieve their marketing communications goals in the Japanese market as Advertising and Sponsorship Sales Director, responsible for EMEA(Europe, Middle East and Africa) regions. Since 2012, he had served as Deputy Director, Digital Business Division for about 3 years. Since May 2016, he has taken the lead in the development of new communications products as Director, New Business Incubation Office.
Joined Nikkei in 2005. As an engineer, he was first stationed to information technology department and worked for a team that develops websites, such as Nikkei Net. From 2008, he worked on developing editorial systems, such as (CMS), as a member of the group that launched the electronic edition of Nikkei. After successfully launching the electronic edition of the newspaper in 2010, he worked on planning and developing smartphone-related products, including electronic apps, smartphone websites, and newspaper viewer apps. Recently, he has been in charge of drawing up strategies as the product manager of Nikkei electronic edition.
1995年に「54-71」を同級生らと結成。バンド活動を続けると同時に、2007年に音楽レーベル&プロモーター事業を行う「contrarede」を設立。音楽だけでなく雑誌「Libertin DUNE」の刊行やバンドの海外ツアーを通じて「Vice US」との交流を深め、2012年にはグローバルメディアViceの日本支社「Vice Media Japan」を設立。現在、VICE JAPAN GK コマーシャルディレクターを務める。
Started a band called 54-71 with his friends in university. During such activity, Bingo started the music label called contrarede. It’s not only for music and it’s a publisher, too for some magazine. In 2012, Bingo started VICE MEDIA JAPAN. At present, he plays the role as Commercial Director.
1972年北海道テレビ放送入社。東京支社編成業務部長、メディア企画センター長を経て、2002年取締役に。2011年から2018年まで代表取締役社長。現在は取締役・相談役を務める。情報発信先を北海道、国内に限定せず90年代からグローバルなコンテンツ発信に取り組み、現在では台湾、中国、ベトナム、シンガポール、カンボジアなどアジア諸国で北海道情報番組「LOVE HOKKAIDO」を放送している。
株式会社宣伝会議の月刊誌『編集会議』『ブレーン』の制作に携わった後、2004年に株式会社インフォバーン入社。国内有数のブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン」「ライフハッカー[日本版]」などのプロデューサー・編集長を歴任する。 その後、ソリューション事業で大手企業のオウンドメディア立ち上げ・運営 を担当。2015年9月よりDIGIDAY[日本版]編集長に就任。