DIGIDAY[日本版]編集長 分島 翔平
本イベントは政府や東京都のガイドラインに従い、感染予防に最大限努めながら、リアルイベントとしての開催を予定しております。 ご理解・ご協力のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。
PubMaticの日本法人のシニアディレクターとして、広告主、広告会社など、デマンドサイドのAdvertiser Solution部門を担当。
同社のミッションである”PubMatic fuels the endless potential of internet content creators”に共感し、透明性の高い健全なオープンインターネットの成長に貢献するために2021年9月同社入社。前職の電通ではテレビ局、社費留学等を経て、デジタル・ビジネス局で運用型広告、メディア開発、投資評価など、メディアビジネス全般に従事。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校経営大学院卒(金融工学修士)。
As a senior director at PubMatic, Ken Aihara is leading Advertiser Solution team in Japan. Intrigued by the company’s mission, “PubMatic fuels the endless potential of internet content creators.” he joined PubMatic in September 2021 to contribute to the sound growth of open Internet with transparency.
In Dentsu, he worked at TV Division and Digital Business Division, engaged in media business for programmatic ad, media development, and investments.
He holds a Master of Financial Engineering from Haas School of Business, the University of California at Berkeley.
ビッグデータを扱うオランダのOTA企業で新規開拓営業として従事した後、当時のYahoo! Japan Content DiscoveryエンジンのOEMとして技術提供していたAd Exchange Platformで新規営業として日本市場開拓を行う。
Yumi worked as a new business sales for a Dutch OTA company dealing with big data in her early career, then she moved to Ad Exchange Platform, which provided technology as an OEM for the then Yahoo! Japan Content Discovery engine at the time and contributed in developing the Japanese market.
In January 2020, Yumi joined AppsFlyer as a Customer Success Manager and she made her endeavour to strengthen the connection between users and apps, both online and offline across industries and a variety of company sizes. After she was promoted to the Head of Customer Success in December 2021, she has been devoted to making the most customer loved team on earth.
2016年4月にThe Trade Deskの日本オフィスに立ち上げメンバーとして入社し、現在リード・アソシエイト・トレーディング・ディレクターとして日本市場における大手広告代理店・大手トレーディングデスクへの運用サポートから分析までエンドツーエンドのサポートを提供し、トレーディングチームをリードする。The Trade Deskに入社以前は海外ホテルの国内・海外でのセールス・マーケティングを経験し、その後3Dプリンタを提供する米系企業ストラタシス・ジャパンでマーケティングを担当するなどデジタルマーケティングにおける豊富な経験を有する。
Joining The Trade Desk Japan in April 2016, Araki leads the trading team in Japan as Lead Associate Trading Director. She provides end-to-end support, including operational and analytical support to major ad agencies and trading desks in the Japanese market. Prior to working at The Trade Desk, Araki’s experience in digital marketing ranged from having worked in domestic and international companies. She has held marketing positions for an international hotel, as well as for Stratasys Japan, a US-based 3D printer company.
Joined DENA Co., Ltd. in 2004.
Engaged in launching multiple mobile services such as Mobage, Pocket Affiliate, Mobaoku, and Mobakore. In charge of areas such as community marketing, digital marketing, and game media PR in the game business. Currently, we are promoting town development and DX business in the smart city business. As a side business, he supports multiple companies from listed companies to start-ups, and also engages in lecturers at universities and business schools.
From Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Kindai University, joined SEPTENI Co., Ltd. after working at a financial institution. In 2004, joined Thomson Reuters as a sales manager to launch the media business, and in 2013, was appointed as the APAC head of the media business division, where was involved in expanding the business in APAC by launching one of the first media-side programmatic (SSP) implementation and content marketing in Japan. In 2013, joined Nielsen Digital Co., Ltd., where in 2019, joined as Director of Sales. where his responsibilities include the implementation of programmatic (SSP) and content marketing on the media side, and growing the business in APAC. Currently, providing marketing support to advertisers and advertising companies by measuring the effectiveness of TV commercials and digital advertising.
Having built a long career in the consulting industry, Hitoshi Kagiyama joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2014 to launch the data business. After establishing a consulting unit and serving as the product head of DMP, Kagiyama assumed Vice President of the Data Marketing Division in 2019. Following the merger of LINE and Yahoo Japan Corporation in October 2023, Kagiyama assumed the current role of a head of data solution products at LY Corporation.
The first marketing department of a municipality, contributing to the highest population growth rate in all cities for 6 consecutive years. Worked on promotions and event planning for “If you want to be a mother (father), go to Nagareyama”, which became a hot topic in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Currently, she is working on promotions and Civic Pride to nurture the city brand of Nagareyama City.
Winner of the 2020 Local Civil Servant Award, which local civil servants think is really amazing.
Joined Unicharm in 1983. Cumulated marketing expertise from Marketing assistant to Marketing Director. Promoted as Senior executive officer, Global Marketing Division in 2017. Worked as Managing Director of Unicharm Thailand and Unicharm India and built business base in these countries. Promoted as Chief DX Officer in 2021. In 2022, incorporated Kimura Global Marketing Inc. and provides global marketing consultation.
Toshitaka joined CCI in 2006. He was involved in product development and operation of video commercials, launched an audio advertising network (PodcastAD) with Dentsu in 2007 and obtained a patent for an audio advertising delivery system. From 2009 onwards, he was involved in providing advertising delivery systems and analysis solutions to media companies and consulting. Currently, he is engaged in providing solutions, operations, live delivery, programmatic trading, and other environmental improvements, mainly for broadcasters and video delivery service providers.
Hideyoshi joined the sales/account planning upon joining CCI in 2007. Since 2020, he has been managing the product sales of PremiumView.
取締役副社長。朝日新聞社で広告営業を長く経験し、ザ・ハフィントン・ポスト・ジャパンの取締役CEO、同社がBuzzFeed Japanと合併した後はCRO(Chief Revenue Officer)を務めました。
Executive Vice President. He has long experience in advertising sales at The Asahi Shimbun, and served as Director and CEO of The Huffington Post Japan and as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) after the company merged with BuzzFeed Japan.
PIA Asahi NextScope is a joint venture between PIA, a ticketing company, and Asahi Shimbun. PIA was one of the first publishers in Japan to successfully utilize its own data for digital marketing, and The Asahi Shimbun, which has many vertical media and a large customer base, joined forces to form this new company, which was born in October.
Joined User Local in 2010.Assigned to the Customer Success Team after working in Corporate Sales.She supports Internet marketing in general, mainly for major companies, such as improving websites using access analysis, measuring the effectiveness of social media, and stylizing report work.
1993年第一勧業銀行入行。1997年よりI&S BBDOにて大手化粧品会社担当営業としてテレビスポット広告、2006年よりマイクロソフトアドバタイジングにて動画広告ビジネスの立ち上げに関わる。その後動画に強みを持つアドテクのVideology及びAmobeeにてカントリーマネジャーを務め、2021年より現職。(2022年7月マイクロソフトによるXandr買収完了)
Marketing and sales executive with 30 years of professional experience in linear TV and digital video advertising, digital media, O2O service, online database, and banking sectors. Have a strong passion for both the future of TV=”Advanced TV”, CTV/Video, and the converged planning tool for TV and Video.
2020年4月にDoubleVerify Japan株式会社日本法人代表に就任。それ以前は2012年より約8年にわたりグーグルジャパン広告営業本部で執行役員として、主に大手広告主にYouTubeをはじめとするビデオ広告、ディスプレイ広告のソリューションを提供するチームを担当し、直近ではデジタルメディアでのクリエイティブの活用について、また様々な業界と共同で取り組むイベントなどのお手伝いをするチームを担当。それ以前は20年以上にわたり広告業界、主に外資系のクリエイティブエージェンシーでグローバルブランドのマーケティングを担当。
In April 2020, he was appointed as the Representative of DoubleVerify Japan K.K. in Japan. Prior to that, he was an Executive Officer at Google Japan’s Ad Sales Division for about 8 years since 2012, where he was in charge of a team that provided solutions for video and display advertising, mainly for major advertisers on YouTube and other platforms. He was most recently in charge of a team that assisted in the use of creative in digital media, as well as events and other collaborative efforts with various industries. Prior to that, he spent over 20 years in the advertising industry, primarily at foreign creative agencies, marketing global brands.
Studied art, architecture, design, etc. in the United States and Italy.
Being fascinated by the world of the Internet and how it was closely related to people’s lives, she started her career as a designer in the digital domain. After her design experience in client work, start-ups, in-house, and consulting, she joined E.design Insurance in May 2021 with a broad sense of design based on design thinking. As a role responsible for company-wide CX (customer experience) and EX (employee experience), she is involved in various projects across the board, such as developing research teams and re-brandings.
His clients are major Japanese corporations (including the top general trading companies) in a broad range of industry sectors such as consumer goods, construction, housing, media content, electrical machinery, automotive and automotive components, materials and chemicals, electric power, and petroleum.
He primarily advises clients in areas such as new business creation, business planning, market entry strategy, organization and operation design, and systems development. He also works closely with clients in implementing and executing new strategies and initiatives.
2007年 新卒にてDNPへ入社
~2019年 一般企業新規開拓の営業職として従事
2020年~ DNPオリジナルのデジタル広告サービス DNPBookADを含む各種媒体のメディアプランニングを担う企画職に従事
2007 Joined the company as a new graduate
Until 2019: Engaged in a sales position for new development of general companies
From 2020, he is DNP’s original digital advertising serviceMedia platform for various media including DNPBookADEngaged in a planning position responsible for training
1999年より2017年まで、株式会社博報堂 および株式会社博報堂DYホールディングスにて、統合コミュニケーション・デジタル・グローバルビジネス・事業開発の領域で活動。2017年から2022年までSpotifyのフリービジネスを統括。2022年6月よりThe Trade Deskのグローバルビジネス開発を統括。人の生活活動に関心を持ち、哲学・文化人類学・経済学・経営学などを修めつつ、フィールドワークも続けている。最近は、釣りと乗馬が趣味。
As GM of Client Development at The Trade Desk, Tetsu drives global business development of The Trade Desk in Japan. Prior to The Trade Desk, he oversaw ad sales and Free Tier services at Spotify. Tetsu also worked at Hakuhodo Inc. and Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc., where he held various positions within integrated communications, digital, global business and business development from 1999 to 2017. He also continues his academic research in social anthropology and economics. Tetsu enjoys climbing, fishing, and horse riding with his family when he can be away from the above.
Joined Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. in 2004. I have been in charge of new business development since April 2019. I am currently working on several new business projects.
Narimi Joined Sapporo Breweries, Ltd. in 2015. After working in distribution sales in the Chugoku and Shikoku area, she transferred to his current department in April 2019, where she is in charge of digital ads. Currently, Narimi is responsible for media planning and buying operations in the beer category.
After working for a domestic platformer, Asako joined Magnite in 2020. Her role at Magnite involves sales as a demand sales representative across both the Japanese and the overseas market.
日本マイクロソフトにてOffice 365を始めとした各種ソフトウェア・サービスのビジネスをリードし、ケルヒャーにてコンシューマービジネスの責任者を担当し、2019年にRokt合同会社に入社。ビジネスデベロップメントとして日本市場におけるRoktビジネスの立ち上げと拡大に従事。
After working at Microsoft, leading some software and service businesses such as Office 365 and Kärcher, leading the consumer division, he joined Rokt in 2019 and is responsible for launching and expanding the business in Japan.
2002年から英国家電メーカー「ダイソン」にて日本市場での立ち上げに携わる。知名度のない時期から、圧倒的商品力を武器に営業展開、VMD、ブランディングの強化に従事しマーケットシェアを獲得。2011年には現在の「Peach Aviation」の立ち上げに参画する。LCCという日本で初めてのビジネスモデルの構築を行い、今までの先例や慣習にとらわれず新しくユニークな発想で事業を展開。主に国内、海外における取引先選定に始まり、航空事業以外の収益を生み出す新規ビジネス開発やマネタイズ創出に従事し、現在に至る。
Since 2002, I have been involved in the launch of the British home appliance manufacturer Dyson in the Japanese market. We gained market share by engaging in sales development, VMD, and branding with overwhelming product power. In 2011, I participated in the launch of the current Peach Aviation. We have built Japan’s first LCC business model, and we are developing our business with new and unique ideas that are not bound by past precedents and customs. Starting with the selection of business partners mainly in Japan and overseas, I have been engaged in new business development and ancillary business, and continues to the present.
He worked as a media planner at a digital advertising company, where he was in charge of major media companies, and took part launching Twitter advertising in 2010. He then worked for a media company, where he was in charge of providing marketing support to companies using media data and content. In 2017, he joined BI.Garage, where he is in charge of business development and the launch of the Content Media Consortium.
松下電器産業株式会社(現パナソニック)にて、海外での広告宣伝、ブランディングに従事。退職後、米国ビジネススクールにてMaster of Science in Integrated Marketing Communicationsの学位取得。ゲームメーカーを経て2008年にヤンマー株式会社に入社。コーポレートブランドの戦略立案・推進に携わり、ブランドイメージの刷新プロジェクトを牽引。半導体メーカーを経て2022年7月ダイドードリンコ株式会社(ダイドーグループホールディングス株式会社兼務)に入社し、コーポレートブランド構築を推進中。
Engaged in advertising and branding for Panasonic. After leaving Panasonic, earned a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications degree from a US business school. After working for Nintendo, joined Yanmar Co., LTD in 2008. Involved in corporate brand strategy planning and promotion, and led a project to revamp the corporate brand image. After working for a semiconductor manufacturer, started working with DyDo DRINCO, INC. in July 2022 (concurrently with DyDo GROUP HOLDINGS, INC.), currently lead promoting corporate brand building.
medibaに合流後は、mediba adのセールスやau スマートパスのプロモーションなどに従事。
2013年にOpenX Japan立ち上げに伴い、参画。
Engaged in sales and consulting specializing in publisher monetization in the field of online advertising for more than 10 years from 2009.
Joined Novot inc. in 2009 and launched the smartphone ad network “”””Ad Maker”””” and contributed to Exit to mediba Inc, a KDDI group in 2011, as the publisher sales.
Joined OpenX business start-up timing in Japan in 2013, and was in charge of partner development and new product development in Japan with Business Development as the main mission.
Currently, as the Japan Country Manager OpenX Japan, in charge of Japanese representative, strategic planning and all business activities in Japan.
2009年電通入社。米デザインコンサルティングファームであるfrog社との協業及び国内企業への事業展開、デジタル&テクノロジーによる事業およびイノベーション支援を手がける。著書に「モバイルシフト」(アスキー・メディアワークス、共著)など。ADFEST(INTERACTIVE Silver他)、Spikes Asia(PR グランプリ)、グッドデザイン賞など受賞。ad:tech Tokyo公式スピーカー他、講演多数。
Joined Dentsu in 2009. Worked with US design consulting firm frog, developed business , and supported business and innovation through digital and technology. Author of ‘Mobile Shift’ , etc. Awards received include ADFEST (INTERACTIVE Silver and others), Spikes Asia (PR Grand Prix) and Good Design Award. ad:tech Tokyo official speaker and many other lectures.
阪南大学流通学部教授。1963年岡山県高梁市生まれ。86年、香川大学経済学部卒業後、阪急電鉄株式会社に入社。98年、宝塚歌劇団に出向。制作課長、星組プロデューサー、宝塚総支配人などを歴任。2011年、阪急電鉄を退職。経営・マーケティングコンサルタントとして活動する傍ら、近畿大学、関西大学等で講師に。18年、阪南大学流通学部専任講師、19年、准教授、22年から現職。著書に「元・宝塚総支配人が語る『タカラヅカ』の経営戦略」(2015年 KADOKAWA)、「タカラヅカの謎」(2019年 朝日新聞出版)、「宝塚歌劇団の経営学」(2021年 東洋経済新報社)。
Professor at the Faculty of Distribution, Hannan University. Born in 1963 in Takaryo City, Okayama Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Kagawa University in 1986, he joined Hankyu Corporation. In 1998, he was seconded to the Takarazuka Opera Company. He has served as a production manager, a producer of Seigumi, and a general manager of Takarazuka. He retired from Hankyu Electric Railway in 2011. While working as a management and marketing consultant, he became a lecturer at University, Kansai University, etc. In 2018, he became a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Distribution, Hannan University, and in 2019, he became an associate professor, and has been in his current position since 2012. He is the author of “Former Takarazuka General Manager Talks About the Management Strategy of ‘Takarazuka'” (2015, KADOKAWA), “The Mystery of Takarazuka” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing, 2019), and “Management of the Takarazuka Opera Company” (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2021).
その後各種DSPを活用したトレーディングデスクサービス「Performance X」のセールス、SSP事業者との商品企画、媒体社様の収益最大化サービス「IPM」などのチームを歴任し、プログラマティック領域を中心としたデマンド・サプライの2つの領域を経験。
2017年2月に新規自社プロダクト事業である「BEYONDX PMP」を立ち上げ。
株式会社VOYAGE GROUPとの経営統合を機に、2020年よりブランド広告主様向け向けアドプラットフォーム事業である「PORTO」の立ち上げに従事。
After working in an advertising company and printing company, he entered Cyber Communications Inc. (CCI, current CARTA COMMUNICATIONS Inc.) in 2007, and had been involving in premium ad network product planning and sales as an onsite Manager for 5 years.
After that, he successively held various posts in teams such as the sales of trading desk service Performance X that utilizes various kinds of DSPs, product planning with SSP providers, publishers monetization service IPM, and cultivated wide range of experiences in both the demand-side and supply-side of the programmatic ads sector.
He established the BEYOND-X PMP, a new inhouse product business in February 2017. Along with the management merge with VOYAGE GROUP Inc, he has been in charge of the establishment of PORTO, an ad platform business for Brand advertisers, from 2020.
He was appointed to his current post in January 2021.
2016年4月にThe Trade Deskの日本オフィスに立ち上げメンバーとして入社し、現在リード・アソシエイト・トレーディング・ディレクターとして日本市場における大手広告代理店・大手トレーディングデスクへの運用サポートから分析までエンドツーエンドのサポートを提供し、トレーディングチームをリードする。The Trade Deskに入社以前は海外ホテルの国内・海外でのセールス・マーケティングを経験し、その後3Dプリンタを提供する米系企業ストラタシス・ジャパンでマーケティングを担当するなどデジタルマーケティングにおける豊富な経験を有する。
Joining The Trade Desk Japan in April 2016, Araki leads the trading team in Japan as Lead Associate Trading Director. She provides end-to-end support, including operational and analytical support to major ad agencies and trading desks in the Japanese market. Prior to working at The Trade Desk, Araki’s experience in digital marketing ranged from having worked in domestic and international companies. She has held marketing positions for an international hotel, as well as for Stratasys Japan, a US-based 3D printer company.
1999年より2017年まで、株式会社博報堂 および株式会社博報堂DYホールディングスにて、統合コミュニケーション・デジタル・グローバルビジネス・事業開発の領域で活動。2017年から2022年までSpotifyのフリービジネスを統括。2022年6月よりThe Trade Deskのグローバルビジネス開発を統括。人の生活活動に関心を持ち、哲学・文化人類学・経済学・経営学などを修めつつ、フィールドワークも続けている。最近は、釣りと乗馬が趣味。
As GM of Client Development at The Trade Desk, Tetsu drives global business development of The Trade Desk in Japan. Prior to The Trade Desk, he oversaw ad sales and Free Tier services at Spotify. Tetsu also worked at Hakuhodo Inc. and Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc., where he held various positions within integrated communications, digital, global business and business development from 1999 to 2017. He also continues his academic research in social anthropology and economics. Tetsu enjoys climbing, fishing, and horse riding with his family when he can be away from the above.
Joined User Local in 2010.Assigned to the Customer Success Team after working in Corporate Sales.She supports Internet marketing in general, mainly for major companies, such as improving websites using access analysis, measuring the effectiveness of social media, and stylizing report work.
1993年第一勧業銀行入行。1997年よりI&S BBDOにて大手化粧品会社担当営業としてテレビスポット広告、2006年よりマイクロソフトアドバタイジングにて動画広告ビジネスの立ち上げに関わる。その後動画に強みを持つアドテクのVideology及びAmobeeにてカントリーマネジャーを務め、2021年より現職。(2022年7月マイクロソフトによるXandr買収完了)
Marketing and sales executive with 30 years of professional experience in linear TV and digital video advertising, digital media, O2O service, online database, and banking sectors. Have a strong passion for both the future of TV=”Advanced TV”, CTV/Video, and the converged planning tool for TV and Video.
日本マイクロソフトにてOffice 365を始めとした各種ソフトウェア・サービスのビジネスをリードし、ケルヒャーにてコンシューマービジネスの責任者を担当し、2019年にRokt合同会社に入社。ビジネスデベロップメントとして日本市場におけるRoktビジネスの立ち上げと拡大に従事。
After working at Microsoft, leading some software and service businesses such as Office 365 and Kärcher, leading the consumer division, he joined Rokt in 2019 and is responsible for launching and expanding the business in Japan.
2002年から英国家電メーカー「ダイソン」にて日本市場での立ち上げに携わる。知名度のない時期から、圧倒的商品力を武器に営業展開、VMD、ブランディングの強化に従事しマーケットシェアを獲得。2011年には現在の「Peach Aviation」の立ち上げに参画する。LCCという日本で初めてのビジネスモデルの構築を行い、今までの先例や慣習にとらわれず新しくユニークな発想で事業を展開。主に国内、海外における取引先選定に始まり、航空事業以外の収益を生み出す新規ビジネス開発やマネタイズ創出に従事し、現在に至る。
Since 2002, I have been involved in the launch of the British home appliance manufacturer Dyson in the Japanese market. We gained market share by engaging in sales development, VMD, and branding with overwhelming product power. In 2011, I participated in the launch of the current Peach Aviation. We have built Japan’s first LCC business model, and we are developing our business with new and unique ideas that are not bound by past precedents and customs. Starting with the selection of business partners mainly in Japan and overseas, I have been engaged in new business development and ancillary business, and continues to the present.
Joined Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. in 2004. I have been in charge of new business development since April 2019. I am currently working on several new business projects.
From Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Kindai University, joined SEPTENI Co., Ltd. after working at a financial institution. In 2004, joined Thomson Reuters as a sales manager to launch the media business, and in 2013, was appointed as the APAC head of the media business division, where was involved in expanding the business in APAC by launching one of the first media-side programmatic (SSP) implementation and content marketing in Japan. In 2013, joined Nielsen Digital Co., Ltd., where in 2019, joined as Director of Sales. where his responsibilities include the implementation of programmatic (SSP) and content marketing on the media side, and growing the business in APAC. Currently, providing marketing support to advertisers and advertising companies by measuring the effectiveness of TV commercials and digital advertising.
Joined DENA Co., Ltd. in 2004.
Engaged in launching multiple mobile services such as Mobage, Pocket Affiliate, Mobaoku, and Mobakore. In charge of areas such as community marketing, digital marketing, and game media PR in the game business. Currently, we are promoting town development and DX business in the smart city business. As a side business, he supports multiple companies from listed companies to start-ups, and also engages in lecturers at universities and business schools.
medibaに合流後は、mediba adのセールスやau スマートパスのプロモーションなどに従事。
2013年にOpenX Japan立ち上げに伴い、参画。
Engaged in sales and consulting specializing in publisher monetization in the field of online advertising for more than 10 years from 2009.
Joined Novot inc. in 2009 and launched the smartphone ad network “”””Ad Maker”””” and contributed to Exit to mediba Inc, a KDDI group in 2011, as the publisher sales.
Joined OpenX business start-up timing in Japan in 2013, and was in charge of partner development and new product development in Japan with Business Development as the main mission.
Currently, as the Japan Country Manager OpenX Japan, in charge of Japanese representative, strategic planning and all business activities in Japan.
2007年 新卒にてDNPへ入社
~2019年 一般企業新規開拓の営業職として従事
2020年~ DNPオリジナルのデジタル広告サービス DNPBookADを含む各種媒体のメディアプランニングを担う企画職に従事
2007 Joined the company as a new graduate
Until 2019: Engaged in a sales position for new development of general companies
From 2020, he is DNP’s original digital advertising serviceMedia platform for various media including DNPBookADEngaged in a planning position responsible for training
阪南大学流通学部教授。1963年岡山県高梁市生まれ。86年、香川大学経済学部卒業後、阪急電鉄株式会社に入社。98年、宝塚歌劇団に出向。制作課長、星組プロデューサー、宝塚総支配人などを歴任。2011年、阪急電鉄を退職。経営・マーケティングコンサルタントとして活動する傍ら、近畿大学、関西大学等で講師に。18年、阪南大学流通学部専任講師、19年、准教授、22年から現職。著書に「元・宝塚総支配人が語る『タカラヅカ』の経営戦略」(2015年 KADOKAWA)、「タカラヅカの謎」(2019年 朝日新聞出版)、「宝塚歌劇団の経営学」(2021年 東洋経済新報社)。
Professor at the Faculty of Distribution, Hannan University. Born in 1963 in Takaryo City, Okayama Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Kagawa University in 1986, he joined Hankyu Corporation. In 1998, he was seconded to the Takarazuka Opera Company. He has served as a production manager, a producer of Seigumi, and a general manager of Takarazuka. He retired from Hankyu Electric Railway in 2011. While working as a management and marketing consultant, he became a lecturer at University, Kansai University, etc. In 2018, he became a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Distribution, Hannan University, and in 2019, he became an associate professor, and has been in his current position since 2012. He is the author of “Former Takarazuka General Manager Talks About the Management Strategy of ‘Takarazuka'” (2015, KADOKAWA), “The Mystery of Takarazuka” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing, 2019), and “Management of the Takarazuka Opera Company” (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2021).
After working for a domestic platformer, Asako joined Magnite in 2020. Her role at Magnite involves sales as a demand sales representative across both the Japanese and the overseas market.
Narimi Joined Sapporo Breweries, Ltd. in 2015. After working in distribution sales in the Chugoku and Shikoku area, she transferred to his current department in April 2019, where she is in charge of digital ads. Currently, Narimi is responsible for media planning and buying operations in the beer category.
Hideyoshi joined the sales/account planning upon joining CCI in 2007. Since 2020, he has been managing the product sales of PremiumView.
その後各種DSPを活用したトレーディングデスクサービス「Performance X」のセールス、SSP事業者との商品企画、媒体社様の収益最大化サービス「IPM」などのチームを歴任し、プログラマティック領域を中心としたデマンド・サプライの2つの領域を経験。
2017年2月に新規自社プロダクト事業である「BEYONDX PMP」を立ち上げ。
株式会社VOYAGE GROUPとの経営統合を機に、2020年よりブランド広告主様向け向けアドプラットフォーム事業である「PORTO」の立ち上げに従事。
After working in an advertising company and printing company, he entered Cyber Communications Inc. (CCI, current CARTA COMMUNICATIONS Inc.) in 2007, and had been involving in premium ad network product planning and sales as an onsite Manager for 5 years.
After that, he successively held various posts in teams such as the sales of trading desk service Performance X that utilizes various kinds of DSPs, product planning with SSP providers, publishers monetization service IPM, and cultivated wide range of experiences in both the demand-side and supply-side of the programmatic ads sector.
He established the BEYOND-X PMP, a new inhouse product business in February 2017. Along with the management merge with VOYAGE GROUP Inc, he has been in charge of the establishment of PORTO, an ad platform business for Brand advertisers, from 2020.
He was appointed to his current post in January 2021.
Toshitaka joined CCI in 2006. He was involved in product development and operation of video commercials, launched an audio advertising network (PodcastAD) with Dentsu in 2007 and obtained a patent for an audio advertising delivery system. From 2009 onwards, he was involved in providing advertising delivery systems and analysis solutions to media companies and consulting. Currently, he is engaged in providing solutions, operations, live delivery, programmatic trading, and other environmental improvements, mainly for broadcasters and video delivery service providers.
松下電器産業株式会社(現パナソニック)にて、海外での広告宣伝、ブランディングに従事。退職後、米国ビジネススクールにてMaster of Science in Integrated Marketing Communicationsの学位取得。ゲームメーカーを経て2008年にヤンマー株式会社に入社。コーポレートブランドの戦略立案・推進に携わり、ブランドイメージの刷新プロジェクトを牽引。半導体メーカーを経て2022年7月ダイドードリンコ株式会社(ダイドーグループホールディングス株式会社兼務)に入社し、コーポレートブランド構築を推進中。
Engaged in advertising and branding for Panasonic. After leaving Panasonic, earned a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications degree from a US business school. After working for Nintendo, joined Yanmar Co., LTD in 2008. Involved in corporate brand strategy planning and promotion, and led a project to revamp the corporate brand image. After working for a semiconductor manufacturer, started working with DyDo DRINCO, INC. in July 2022 (concurrently with DyDo GROUP HOLDINGS, INC.), currently lead promoting corporate brand building.
2009年電通入社。米デザインコンサルティングファームであるfrog社との協業及び国内企業への事業展開、デジタル&テクノロジーによる事業およびイノベーション支援を手がける。著書に「モバイルシフト」(アスキー・メディアワークス、共著)など。ADFEST(INTERACTIVE Silver他)、Spikes Asia(PR グランプリ)、グッドデザイン賞など受賞。ad:tech Tokyo公式スピーカー他、講演多数。
Joined Dentsu in 2009. Worked with US design consulting firm frog, developed business , and supported business and innovation through digital and technology. Author of ‘Mobile Shift’ , etc. Awards received include ADFEST (INTERACTIVE Silver and others), Spikes Asia (PR Grand Prix) and Good Design Award. ad:tech Tokyo official speaker and many other lectures.
His clients are major Japanese corporations (including the top general trading companies) in a broad range of industry sectors such as consumer goods, construction, housing, media content, electrical machinery, automotive and automotive components, materials and chemicals, electric power, and petroleum.
He primarily advises clients in areas such as new business creation, business planning, market entry strategy, organization and operation design, and systems development. He also works closely with clients in implementing and executing new strategies and initiatives.
He worked as a media planner at a digital advertising company, where he was in charge of major media companies, and took part launching Twitter advertising in 2010. He then worked for a media company, where he was in charge of providing marketing support to companies using media data and content. In 2017, he joined BI.Garage, where he is in charge of business development and the launch of the Content Media Consortium.
Joined Unicharm in 1983. Cumulated marketing expertise from Marketing assistant to Marketing Director. Promoted as Senior executive officer, Global Marketing Division in 2017. Worked as Managing Director of Unicharm Thailand and Unicharm India and built business base in these countries. Promoted as Chief DX Officer in 2021. In 2022, incorporated Kimura Global Marketing Inc. and provides global marketing consultation.
PubMaticの日本法人のシニアディレクターとして、広告主、広告会社など、デマンドサイドのAdvertiser Solution部門を担当。
同社のミッションである”PubMatic fuels the endless potential of internet content creators”に共感し、透明性の高い健全なオープンインターネットの成長に貢献するために2021年9月同社入社。前職の電通ではテレビ局、社費留学等を経て、デジタル・ビジネス局で運用型広告、メディア開発、投資評価など、メディアビジネス全般に従事。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校経営大学院卒(金融工学修士)。
As a senior director at PubMatic, Ken Aihara is leading Advertiser Solution team in Japan. Intrigued by the company’s mission, “PubMatic fuels the endless potential of internet content creators.” he joined PubMatic in September 2021 to contribute to the sound growth of open Internet with transparency.
In Dentsu, he worked at TV Division and Digital Business Division, engaged in media business for programmatic ad, media development, and investments.
He holds a Master of Financial Engineering from Haas School of Business, the University of California at Berkeley.
Studied art, architecture, design, etc. in the United States and Italy.
Being fascinated by the world of the Internet and how it was closely related to people’s lives, she started her career as a designer in the digital domain. After her design experience in client work, start-ups, in-house, and consulting, she joined E.design Insurance in May 2021 with a broad sense of design based on design thinking. As a role responsible for company-wide CX (customer experience) and EX (employee experience), she is involved in various projects across the board, such as developing research teams and re-brandings.
Having built a long career in the consulting industry, Hitoshi Kagiyama joined Yahoo Japan Corporation in 2014 to launch the data business. After establishing a consulting unit and serving as the product head of DMP, Kagiyama assumed Vice President of the Data Marketing Division in 2019. Following the merger of LINE and Yahoo Japan Corporation in October 2023, Kagiyama assumed the current role of a head of data solution products at LY Corporation.
The first marketing department of a municipality, contributing to the highest population growth rate in all cities for 6 consecutive years. Worked on promotions and event planning for “If you want to be a mother (father), go to Nagareyama”, which became a hot topic in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Currently, she is working on promotions and Civic Pride to nurture the city brand of Nagareyama City.
Winner of the 2020 Local Civil Servant Award, which local civil servants think is really amazing.
2020年4月にDoubleVerify Japan株式会社日本法人代表に就任。それ以前は2012年より約8年にわたりグーグルジャパン広告営業本部で執行役員として、主に大手広告主にYouTubeをはじめとするビデオ広告、ディスプレイ広告のソリューションを提供するチームを担当し、直近ではデジタルメディアでのクリエイティブの活用について、また様々な業界と共同で取り組むイベントなどのお手伝いをするチームを担当。それ以前は20年以上にわたり広告業界、主に外資系のクリエイティブエージェンシーでグローバルブランドのマーケティングを担当。
In April 2020, he was appointed as the Representative of DoubleVerify Japan K.K. in Japan. Prior to that, he was an Executive Officer at Google Japan’s Ad Sales Division for about 8 years since 2012, where he was in charge of a team that provided solutions for video and display advertising, mainly for major advertisers on YouTube and other platforms. He was most recently in charge of a team that assisted in the use of creative in digital media, as well as events and other collaborative efforts with various industries. Prior to that, he spent over 20 years in the advertising industry, primarily at foreign creative agencies, marketing global brands.
取締役副社長。朝日新聞社で広告営業を長く経験し、ザ・ハフィントン・ポスト・ジャパンの取締役CEO、同社がBuzzFeed Japanと合併した後はCRO(Chief Revenue Officer)を務めました。
Executive Vice President. He has long experience in advertising sales at The Asahi Shimbun, and served as Director and CEO of The Huffington Post Japan and as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) after the company merged with BuzzFeed Japan.
PIA Asahi NextScope is a joint venture between PIA, a ticketing company, and Asahi Shimbun. PIA was one of the first publishers in Japan to successfully utilize its own data for digital marketing, and The Asahi Shimbun, which has many vertical media and a large customer base, joined forces to form this new company, which was born in October.
ビッグデータを扱うオランダのOTA企業で新規開拓営業として従事した後、当時のYahoo! Japan Content DiscoveryエンジンのOEMとして技術提供していたAd Exchange Platformで新規営業として日本市場開拓を行う。
Yumi worked as a new business sales for a Dutch OTA company dealing with big data in her early career, then she moved to Ad Exchange Platform, which provided technology as an OEM for the then Yahoo! Japan Content Discovery engine at the time and contributed in developing the Japanese market.
In January 2020, Yumi joined AppsFlyer as a Customer Success Manager and she made her endeavour to strengthen the connection between users and apps, both online and offline across industries and a variety of company sizes. After she was promoted to the Head of Customer Success in December 2021, she has been devoted to making the most customer loved team on earth.
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